And my tastebuds are giddily dancing in my mouth
In sweet anticipation of what is in store:
Wines, beer and spirits, nibblies and more.
With the bottle of water from which I will nurse
In between tipples of red, white and rosé
And mouthfuls of tartare, foie gras and flambé
I can barely sleep in this eager state
In my mind, I'm already there. I can't wait
To cavort, with abandon, throughout crowded halls
And try one of everything at each of the stalls
O Riesling! Cabernet! Icewine! Syrah!
Plentiful refills to be had - huzzah!
Mayhaps I will find a rare, ancient Sauternes
And hand over sampling tickets by the tens
I'll nosh and I'll quaff, I'll swirl and I'll sniff
I'll get purple-stained teeth and crumbs on my lips
Copious note-taking I'll do with great haste
So I can get my hands on another great taste
With jovial winemakers and chefs I will mingle
Try out some caviar or some premium single
Malt scotch. Maybe even a bubbly or two?
And when the day's done, and when I am through
Out the door my very stuffed self I will roll
To walk off the calories with a quick stroll
Look forward to the 2012 OWFF next November
And save all my blogging until I am sober.
See you tomorrow! Follow my tweets from the Show @2ndferment, with the hashtag #owff2011
I love it!