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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bloggers are writers, too.

Twitter tells me it's National Day on Writing. I don't recall getting the memo, nor do I think it's necessarily a national thing (Canadian Heritage doesn't have it listed on their "important days" list as of yet) but I like the idea of a day being set aside to encourage writers - published or not - to write.

I've been hard up for material as of late, and struggling with the "whys" of blogging. Who am I writing to? Who is in my audience? Where is this project of mine going? I've been to a few events lately where I've passed out business cards only to get that smarmy look and a condescending "oh, that's nice" when I tell them I'm a wine blogger. The craft still isn't being taken too seriously out there in the real world, despite the incredible influence blogger opinion can have on consumer choice. Doesn't exactly boost my confidence to get that kind of response.

One of my colleagues is also a writer. A very good one, at that. But his creative energies are stretched to the limit at work, to the point that, once home, the last thing he wants to do is write some more. I can relate to that. There have been many nights where it seems like sitting in front of the mac and coming up with a blog post is more chore than pleasure.

Those are just two examples of when you should write. Write whatever. Post it for the world to read, or keep it in your private journal. It doesn't have to be long, it doesn't have to go into vivid detail. It just needs to come out: on paper, online, on your laptop. It's an exercise in vocabulary, in perseverance, in creativity.

Why do I write? To tell a story, to make people laugh, to educate those who want to know, to connect with someone, somewhere, who's sitting there going, "Thank GAWD I'm not the only one who thinks that way."

So, on this National Day of Writing, I call upon my fellow bloggers to create a post just to celebrate the divine art of stringing words together into sentences. Write your heart out - your readers will love you for it.


  1. Nice post Bethany. It makes me glad I posted yesterday AND I worked on a short story. Whew, had it covered. Please keep writing. When I first started my blog I would come to your posts and Brix magazine aritcles and read things more than once for inspiration and guidance. Now I feel confident enough to swim out there 'on my own' but only because I know there are good writers like you still producing and that I can come back when I'm feeling insecure, or need to be sure I'm on the right track.

  2. Glad to see I'm not the only one struggling with writer's block. Writing for me is like that though, with ebbs and flows. Sometimes I hate everything I write and sometimes I can't stop writing.
    A great post, there's more to wine writing than just wine though sometimes that does help the writing flow a little more easily!


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