I lasted two days.
Then I bitterly uninstalled the photo editor on my phone and proclaimed myself a failure.
Happy, happy, joy, joy.
Everyone else is capable of doing this very simple thing except for YOU, Doubt whispered in my ear. If I can't take one lousy picture a day for 100 days, what does that say about me? How will I ever manage to do anything worthwhile?
I came to the dawning realization that adding yet another project to my over-extended schedule of things to do wasn't going to make me any happier. On the contrary, it was making me feel worse.
So how's about I just drool all over everyone else's pretty pictures and leave it at that?
Before these "happy days" were all the rage, my friend Steph did a magnificent job with a Photo-A-Day project from FatMumSlim. Here are some of her totally awesome shots:
Sensing a theme here? #lovewine |
I could have jealously coveted her collection of photos and beaten myself up for not doing something equally amazing. Instead, I chose to simply be inspired by them. Thanks for sharing, Steph.
The moral of the story here is that I can't keep measuring myself against the successes of others, nor can I force my style to fit into somebody else's unique mould.
Even if my #100happydays don't roll out in a hashtagged, linear fashion for all the world to see, I'm not worried. They're still keeping a smile on my face.
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